This is an epic 4-week strength and conditioning program for anyone looking to gain lean muscle mass, lose body fat, and increase functional strength! 5 workouts per week and each week we will increase intensity by increasing weights, sets, and/ or reps.
This is a hybrid program. Each day will begin with strength work. Then have a hybrid section where we aim to elevate the heart rate with weights and core exercises. Each workout will end with assitance exercises like triceps extentions or leg curls.
Check out a sample day below!
*no refunds on this products as it is intellectual property
Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Upper Body
Wednesday: Core and Cardio
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Upper Body
Sample Workout:
Tempo Pause Squats 3x5
*3 second descent, then pause at the bottom
*add weight each set
*build to a challenging set of 5
4 sets:
10 DB RDLs
12 Leg Press
*done as a superset
*add weight after each set
Tester Workout
12 Minute AMRAP:
12 Alt Arm DB Hang Snatch
16 Reverse Deficit Lunges (weight in goblet position)
12 Runners
*AMRAP = as many reps as possible
*so for 12 minutes, rotate through the 3 exercises as many times
as you can with proper form
*record how many rounds you get as we will retest this in week 4
*on the DB snatch and lunges it is total reps per set listed, left = 1 rep, right = 2, etc
*on the DB snatch focus on using hips and legs to drive the weight up
Single Leg Extensions 3x12 per leg
*alternate between legs until you've done 3 sets of 12 on each
*no rest between
Single Seated Leg Curls 3x12 per leg
*alternate between legs until you've done 3 sets of 12 on each
*no rest between
Seated Calf Raises 3x8-12
*pause at the top, down slow, pause at the bottom
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