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Writer's picturebenbarkerfitness

Tuesday 1/24/2023 Daily Gym: Upper Body Workout

We start the week with leg day because it's a challenge. Most people try t0 skip leg day... but not us.

Now it's Tuesday, and we get an upper body workout reward. There is nothing like building a strong upper body.

PS we are 3/4 through January. This is when motivation starts to fade. Don't quit. Just take it one day at a time and keep showing up!

*5-7 minutes of dynamic upper body stretches

2 set of 5 warm-up close grip bench press

*1st set empty bat, 2nd set light

*do 5 sets of 3 reps.

*add weight each set

*increase weight from last week


*do 10 reps, add weight, 8 reps, add weight, do 6 reps heavy!

*after the set of 6, decrease the weight, and do a challenging set of 15 reps or more

*30-60 sec of rest between sets

*start heavier than last week


*do 10 reps, add weight, 8 reps, add weight, do 6 reps heavy!

*after the set of 6, decrease the weight, and do a challenging set of 15 reps or more

*30-60 sec of rest between sets

*start heavier than last week

Tester Workout RETEST

9-minute EMOM:

*emom = every minute on the minute

*do each exercise for 60 sec, immediately switching to the next

*3 rotations through the 3 exercises

*keep a running count of your reps throughout this workout

*beat however many reps you got in week 1

*so if you do 20 push press, you will begin at 21 when you start renegade rows, etc

3 Sets:

*do this as a superset

*do 1 set of each exercise, 3 rotations

Do 30 reps with a medium weight, add weight, do 20 reps, add weight and finish with 10 heavy reps

*after the heavy set of 10, drop the weight lower and do a burn out set of 15-20 reps

*5-7 minutes of upper body stretches

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