The show "The A-Team" aired before I was born but I always loved it.
Anytime the team made some sketchy/ daring plans but ultimately the outcome turned out okay the A-Team's leader, Hannibal, would say, "I love it when a plan comes together."
This is the follow-up to a previous article, "Just Start." Just like the A-Team, sometimes you just have to take action. Doing nothing will get you... nothing.
Some people plan for years and come up with an amazing plan, yet they fail to act upon it. Just like a lot of people know what to do in the gym and the kitchen but never do anything about it.
This is where we find the happy medium. As much as I love my "just start" motto, a plan is necessary. Get started, yes, but also formulate a plan while you work.
Take immediate action and have a plan by joining my "Push-Ups, Protein, and Proverbs" challenge starting this Sunday 10/1/23.
Step 1: Write your goal down
Based on my quick google search, an unconfirmed source stated that you are 42% more likely to accomplish your goal if you write it down. So, go ahead. Write it down: a fitness goal, professional goal, relationship goal, etc. Put in up on your mirror or set is as the background on your phone.
Don't make a small goal... make a big, hairy, audacious goal!
Step 2: Make a plan
I think this is where some people get hung up. Don't be that person. You can literally find out how to do anything on google and YouTube.
Don't use your lack of knowledge in an area as an excuse. Give yourself 48-72 hours to formulate a simple plan. I love the "KISS" acronym: Keep It Simple Silly. It really says "Stupid" at the end but I teach my kids to say silly instead so I am trying to set a good example.
Figure out what the basics are in your area of interest and start there. Remember, a simple plan will go a long way.
Step 3: Take Action
This is my favorite step and the kicker. Take action. As stated in my "Just Start" article, acting on a simple plan is better than doing nothing with a great one. When you formulated your simple plan, you researched the basics in your area of interest. Master those.
Everyone goes all or nothing in January on their fitness goals; by March, most are doing nothing. Don't look at next week or the next month. Every day ask yourself, "Where can I take action today to get closer to my goals."
Take action by signing up for a free 7-day trial to my Gym Gainz Guide or my Bodyweight Blaster Plan.
Both of my workout plans are simple scripts to follow in the gym or at home to keep you on track and seeing progress.
Step 4: Be consistent
Bob decides to walk 10 minutes a day and watch his calories. That's it. That was Bob's plan. It's not a very good plan. But Bob sticks to his plan.
6 weeks in he starts feeling good about himself. He hasn't been perfect but he's been consistent. Bob decides to add in 2 bodyweight workouts per week. He does that for 6 more weeks on top of his walks and keeping an eye on calories.
Suddenly, Bob starts getting asked if he has lost weight and how he is seeing results. His confidence is boosted and he starts looking forward to exercising.
Bob's plan wasn't great but he took action. Bob will see far better results than most people who overcommit and quit. He most certainly will see better results than someone who was crippled by making the "perfect plan" and never acted at all!
Whether your goal is losing weight, getting stronger, saving your marriage, starting a business, etc... Write your goal down. Make a simple plan. Take action. Stay consistent.
You don't have to have it all figured out when you start. Take a page from Hannibal's book. Take action and let the plan come together as you go. You will love it when a plan comes together.
Ben "Going for it" Barker
For me on me and my story check out my "About Me" page here!