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Dads, want to look good, feel good, and perform at a high level?

My Gym Gainz Guide is a simple, effective daily workout for dads looking to gain muscle and lose body fat without spending hours in the gym.
My workouts include strength, conditioning, and hypertrophy work to help you look, feel, and perform better.
Workouts are posted in blog format with links to demos of each exercise. This is a simple plan but if you follow consistently and pair with proper diet, you will win! Do the work.
Start a Free 7-Day Trial Below
4 Free Ebooks with trial: Bodyweight Workout Plan, 3 Day Gym Plan, Tracking Results, and Daily Ab Plan
Choose your pricing plan
Fit Accountability+
499.99$Go All In. Custumized Plan + AccountabilityValid for one month- Customized Fitness Plan
- Weekly Accountability Call (15 min each)
- Daily instant messaging support
- Nutritional Guidance
- Results
Gym Gainz Guide
19.99$Every monthDaily workout plan to gain muscle and lose fat in the gym.7 day free trial- Daily workout plan to follow in the gym.
- Access to Garage Gym & Bodyweight Plan (3 for 1)
- Mon/ Thurs = Lower Body. Tues/ Fri = Upper Body
- Wed = Cardio & Core
- 4 Free Ebook Downloads
- 60-75 minutes
Garage Gym Gainz
14.99$Every monthEpic workout plan for a garage gym. Barbell, KB, DB, MB, and Pull-Up bar.7 day free trial- Mon-Fri Workout Plan
- Hybrid Focus: Gain muscle/ lose fat
- Access to Bodyweight Plan
- 1st workout released on 4/22/24
Bodyweight Blaster
12.99$Every month30-minute bodyweight workouts for Home/ Travel!7 day free trial- 4 Bodyweight Strength Workout per Week + 1 Core/ Cardio
- No equipment needed
- Build Muscle. Burn Fat.
- All Levels
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